Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Welcome to York Neighborhood News!

The York Neighborhood News site is an informative look into daily life and events in and pertaining to the York area in Bellingham, Wash. York is bordered by I-5, starting from N. Samish Way and ending at Meador Avenue and Whatcom Creek. The western border of the neighborhood includes N. State Street, E. Holly Street, and Ellis Street.

Issues such as crime, safety, and city projects are covered as well as fun and engaging community events. The housing in the York Neighborhood is occupied mostly by college students, so a fair amount of articles and blogs may come from student issues. However, the community of York is diverse and populated so story topics will have a wide range. 

Concentrating only on issues within York's boundaries, news of any kind can be found at the York Neighborhood News site. If you are looking for information regarding the York area, you've come to the right place!

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