With the end of last week’s sunny weather heading into the 70’s,
many Yorkers gathered at Franklin Park on the 1200th block between Whatcom Street and Franklin
Street. Children, parents, and adults were entertained by the basketball court,
picnic-seating area, and grassy open space that provided space for Frisbee and
passing around the soccer ball.
The summery days ahead will bring much more activity to the park
and opportunities for observation of the surrounding area. The right-of-way on
the block of the park has many patches of grass and open area that has become a
place for potential natural vegetation. There is also open space in Franklin
Park for a trail system for the public. Another area that needs improving and
vegetation, according to the York Neighborhood Plan, is the street island north
of the park. York residents have put a lot of effort into restoring the park
and have been working with the Parks Volunteer Program to help restore the
right-of-way area.
Summer has not yet begun and only two days of hot weather
brought a decent amount of activity to the park. The volunteers already
familiar with the existing potential vegetation and unused space will continue
to work for it to be improved, as was said at the neighborhood association
meeting, and hope that others will become aware of the problem too.
A work party with the Parks Volunteer Program started restoring
the area last month and will continue to help organize events where York
residents can come restore natural vegetation to the area. When benches and
trails are to be added, the community hopes that the City Planning Department
will assist them in their attempts to make the park an attractive and friendly
Franklin Park already has much to offer and the York community
would like to see it the best condition possible.
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